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Hiking & Trekking
Did you know that trekking, which means "long-distance hiking", has basically been invented in the Himalayas? For hundreds of years, the locals took week long and dangerous walks away from every civilization for commercial purposes, this is why most of these routes are now so established, that they can be used with enjoyment by experienced hikers with modern equipment. We at Terralaya Travels are in the fortunate position of being able to take you on wonderful trekking and hiking routes up to about 5000 m altitude. On very simple or challenging routes, our highly qualified guides provide you with a safe and comfortable bridge to magnificent panoramas of untouched nature.
From the seemingly endless expanse of Mongolia, the ice giants in Tibet, Nepal and northern India, over rugged mountain deserts in the western Himalayas and tropical moist mountain forests in the east, until the rice terraces of the south there is something for everyone, who likes to discover his surroundings on foot. On all our trekking tours, you only carry your day backback with your own personal belongings by yourself. Your luggage will be carried by porters or pack animals and also your meals are cared for by our friendly team.
Good cooks will prepare you versatile and balanced meals, adapted to physical exertion and altitude. Our guides are trained to observe you in your physical condition, for example to prevent altitude sickness. This includes for example to draw your attention to the fact that you need sufficient fluid intake and much more. Our equipment, tents, mats etc. correspond to modern standards to make your stay in the partly solitary and harsh environment as pleasant as possible.
We deliberately refrain from featuring our trekking trips with standardized levels of difficulty, which in our experience are often misleading. The at that time current conditions in the different regions, as well as the expectations of participants from different countries are simply too different. We rather try to describe to you the routes as closely as possible and inform you about the demands on your condition as well of course as about possible risks in each individual case. The route description therefore includes for example the altitude of the place of overnight accommodation, the temperatures which can be expected, the daily walking times, the available infrastructure on the site, and the number of other trekkers along the route.
Just contact us! Together we will find a trekking route that meets your requirements and expectations, and opens up a bridge into a fascinating part of our world.