Terralaya Travels
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Myanmar Classical Round Trip


Myanmar (formerly Burma or Birma) is one of the countries of our world, that can already easily be explored  touristically, but whose authentic culture is still being lived everywhere. Besides impressive, gold sparkling, architectural beauties of Buddhism, one can admire English buildings of the late colonial period here, and even - or especially - the buildings of indigenous people, which have been sublimely crafted by the simplest means - for example around Lake Inle.

Marvel at the detailed temples and pagodas of Mandalay and the historical royal city of Bagan, experience the local people who are working in agriculture in their daily lives, and get insight into the lives of artisans. The skilful construction and rowing technique of the "one leg rowers" of Inle Lake is unique. Immerse yourself in present Buddhist traditions, beautiful, exotic nature, and fascinating culture of the native people!


  • Yangon with its attractions, especially the wonder of the world "Shwedagon Pagoda".
  • Visit two villages off the beaten track - an insight into life in the countryside.
  • Mandalay and Amarapura with the longest teak wood bridge in the world.
  • Magnificent and historical pagodas around Mandalay and the historical royal city of Bagan.
  • Excursions by horse carriage and boat.
  • Overnight in bungalows on wooden stilts by the idyllic Lake Inle - visit of the stilt houses at the Lake Inle by canoe.
  • Insight into handicrafts and agriculture.
  • Recreation and wellness at the beach Ngwe Saung or Ngapali.
  • Pretty, intimate boutique hotels

Travel Itinerary

Day 1 : Arrival Airport Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)

Day 2 : Yangon - domestic flight to Mandalay

Day 3 : Mandalay - Amarapura - Ava - Sagaing - Mandalay

Day 4 : Mandalay - Mingun & visit of a typical village - Mandalay

Day 5 : Mandalay - domestic flight to Bagan

Day 6 : Bagan –  visit  pagodas  in  a  vehicle  and  on  request  with  the  e-Bike  &  visit  of  a  typical  village off the beaten tourist trail.

Day 7 : Bagan - domestic flight to Heho - onward journey to Pindaya

Day 8 : Pindaya - Lake Inle

Day 9 : Lake Inle - Indein - Inle

Day 10 : Inle - Heho - domestic flight to Yangon

Day 11 : Yangon - domestic flight - beach Ngapali

Day 12 - 13 : Ngapali beach or Ngwe Saung

Day 14 : Return journey  to Yangon

Day 15 : Yangon - return flight 


  • Trekking Myanmar, + 1 - 5 days
    Incorporate  a  multi-day  trekking  into  your  travel  program:  for  example,  the  Kalaw  trekking  to Lake Inle, the Hsipaw Trekking at Mandalay or the Kentung trekking.
  • Train travel
    To get to know country and people authentically, you can experience a part of your trip by train.
  • Cycling
    In the region of Lake Inle and in Bagan we can incorporate bicycle trips into your itinerary.
  • Golden Rock, + 2 days
    Visit the famous "Golden Rock" by extending your travel program by two days.
  • Bagan in hot air balloon
    To  experience  the  sea  of  pagodas  of  Bagan  from  the  hot  air  balloon  is  a  very special experience. Possibility from October to April.
  • The West (Mrauk U), the North & East
    We  are  happy  to  advise  you  on  further  extension  possibilities  in remote  places,  which  are  not yet influenced very much touristically.

Best Travel Period

In Myanmar one can experience very pleasant climatic conditions during our winter, in the period from late October to early March, when the monsoon has left the country, and the great heat has not yet reached it. But  even  in  the  warmer months,  Myanmar  is  worth  a  trip  -  in  April,  for  example,  the  merry-wet  water festival  is  taking  place.  It's  vacation  time  for  the  locals,  and one  can  experience a culturally  authentic Myanmar, although at higher temperatures, and one barely meets any large foreign groups.

Page Tags Tags: myanmar, burma, buddhism, boating, horse carriage, historical pagodas, lake inle